And the Beer O' The Week is............ Tyskie! I discovered this beer thanks to my mother. She ran across it in the supermarket and naturally had to buy it due to our Polish heritage and our shared love of brewskis (yes my mom is cool).
It's excellent. Buy it. Drink it. Love it.

So cheers to Poland and a shout out to Karina, my Polish "sister."
(Despite the name of the post... I am in no way promising a new awesome beer every week. But if I find another delish beer, I will post another beer o' the week.... although that could be 2 months from now. :) )
I didnt expect this hahaah
ReplyDeletehow awesome Kelly! cant wait to see you and have a beer together hahahh maby one day in Poland :D you should come over for a visit..and a bottle of Tyskie ;D
miss you!
Nice. I could go for some of that right now. For real. Can anyone say Escudo sucks a**?
ReplyDeleteKarina, I totally need to go to Poland and drink awesome beer with you! :o)
ReplyDeleteSara, Escudo sucks. but it's cheap and does the job (sounds dirty...). Chile definitely needs to up their game in the beer, cheese, and coffee departments.